"Breavman knew a girl named Shell whose ears were pierced so she could wear the long filigree earrings. The punctures festered and now she has a tiny scare in each earlob. He discovrerd them behind her hair.
A bullet broke into the flesh of his fathers arm as he rose out of a trench. It comforts a man with coronary thrombosis to bear a wound taken in combat.
On the right temple Breavman has a scar which Krantz bestowed with a shovel. Trouble over a snowman Krantz wanted to use clinkers as eyes. Braveman was and still is against the use of foreign materials in the decoration of snowmen. No woolen mufflers, hats, spectacles. In the same vein he does not approve of inserting carrots in the mouths of carved pumpkins or pinning on cucumber ears."
Från sidan tre i The Favourite game av Leonard Cohen. Det är Mari på den norska bokbloggen Flukten fra virkeligheten som utmanar oss att dela med oss av det vi just läser. Utan spoilers!
Fler smake bitar HÄR.